جدول المحتويات:
- فيما يلي أفضل 50 تسريحة شعر أصلع لتقوم بمراجعتها:
- 1. تسريحة شعر أصلع رائعة من بيرني نولان:
- 2. تسريحة شبه أصلع من العنبر روز:
- 3. تصفيفة شعر Buzz Cut بواسطة Danai Gurira:
- 4. تسريحة شعر أصلع كاملة من سينثيا نيكسون:
- 5. تصفيفة الشعر Buzz Cut مع دفقة من اللون:
- 6. Buzz Cut تصفيفة الشعر من Sinead Oconnor:
- 7.تصفيفة الشعر القصير للغاية:
- 8. تصفيفة الشعر شبه الأصلع بقلم فرينشي ديفيس:
- 9. Fully Bald Hairstyle by Veronika Bozeman:
- 10. Completely Bald Hairstyle by Alina Suggeler:
- 11. Very Short Butch Cut Hairstyle:
- 12. Nearly Shaved Hairstyle by Aisha Hinds:
- 13. Ultimate Bald Hairstyle by Dee Dee Bridgewater:
- 14. Ultimate Bald Hairstyle by Gail Porter:
- 15. Cropped and Parted Hair by Janet Jackson:
- 16. Butch Cut Hairstyle by Carolyn Malachi:
- 17. Almost-Bald Hairstyle by Natalie Portman:
- 18. Super High Topknot with Shaved Sides:
- 19. Soft Mohawk with Back and Partially Shaved Head:
- 20. Rolled Up Puffy Top with Shaved Sides:
- 21. One Side Shaved Long Bob Hairstyle:
- 22. Long Wavy Blonde with Partially Shaved Head:
- 23. Half-Bald Head with Luscious Curls:
- 24. Highlighted and Twisted Hair with Buzz Cut:
- 25. Side-Shaved Bob with Intense Texture:
- 26. Layered Volumized Hair with Shaved Side:
- 27. Soft Pixie Haircut with Shaved Sides:
- 28. Long Slicked Back Hair with Shaved Sides:
- 29. Long Messy Hair with One Side Shaved:
- 30. Half-Bald Hairstyle with Long Black Curls:
- 31. Partially Bald Hairstyle with Front Fringes and High Bun:
- 32. Shaved Head with Hair on Top:
- 33. Almost Shaved Hair with Front Tattoo:
- 34. Voluminous Mohawk with Almost Shaved Head:
- 35. Half Bald with Three Lines Shaved in Head:
- 36. Partially Shaved Head with Long Black Hair:
- 37. Curly Textured Purple Hair on Top with Shaved Sides:
- 38. Partially Shaved Bob with Long Side-Swept Bang:
- 39. Sleek High Bun on Almost Shaved Head:
- 40. Shaved Head with Flat Curly Front Bun:
- 41. Bald Hairstyle with Bandana:
- 42. High Front Bun and Low Back Bun with Shaved Sides:
- 43. Highlighted Locks with Shaved One Side:
- 44. Textured Wavy Locks with Neatly Shaved One Side:
- 45. Pink Locks with Blue Highlights and Shaved Side:
- 46. Short Bob with Curly Bang and Shaved Side:
- 47. Messy Voluminous Mohawk with Shaved Sides:
- 48. Super Curly Voluminous Hair with Shaved Side:
- 49. Purple Braided Updo on Almost Bald Head:
- 50. Hair-Wrapped Ponytail with Puff and Shaved Sides:
إن حلق الشعر والصلع تمامًا يتطلب شجاعة هائلة وثقة عالية جدًا للمرأة. ولكن إذا تجرأ المرء على أخذ زمام المبادرة من خلال وضع تصفيفة الشعر الصحيحة بشكل صحيح وحمل ذلك بموقف مناسب ، يمكن أن يبدو رائعًا بشكل ملحوظ. لا تصدقنا.
فيما يلي أفضل 50 تسريحة شعر أصلع لتقوم بمراجعتها:
1. تسريحة شعر أصلع رائعة من بيرني نولان:
الصورة: جيتي
دعونا نبدأ مع هذه الفنانة الأيرلندية اللطيفة ، التي تركتنا العام الماضي عن عمر يناهز 52 عامًا. كان على نولان أن تحلق رأسها بينما كانت تحارب سرطان الثدي. لكنها لا يمكن أن تؤثر على جمالها المذهل.
2. تسريحة شبه أصلع من العنبر روز:
الصورة: جيتي
هذا الجمال الأمريكي جعل رأسًا أصلعًا تقريبًا بيان أسلوبها. في الواقع ، لقد صعدت إلى الشهرة لإبقاء شعرها الأشقر الطبيعي الفاتح قصيرًا جدًا أو الصلع تمامًا من وقت لآخر.
3. تصفيفة شعر Buzz Cut بواسطة Danai Gurira:
الصورة: جيتي
داناي هو أحد هؤلاء المشاهير الذين هزوا الصلع الكامل أو حلقوا شعر الرأس تقريبًا. إنها رمز حقيقي للنساء السود اللواتي يجرؤن على الذهاب إلى الصلع لتبدو جميلة.
4. تسريحة شعر أصلع كاملة من سينثيا نيكسون:
الصورة: جيتي
شهرة سينثيا في "الجنس والمدينة" ، والتي كانت في الغالب لديها أقفال حمراء نارية ، حلق رأسها ببساطة لأن شخصيتها في فيلم "فيت" كانت بحاجة إليها. لديها رأس جيد الشكل - يجب أن نقول.
5. تصفيفة الشعر Buzz Cut مع دفقة من اللون:
الصورة: جيتي
ترتديها الممثلة الأمريكية المراهقة ويلو سميث ، وهي واحدة من أكثر قصات الشعر الصلع حصرية التي من المؤكد أنها ستلفت انتباه الآخرين. جعلت لمسة اللون الوردي المتدرج الشعر البني الرماد يبدو مذهلاً.
6. Buzz Cut تصفيفة الشعر من Sinead Oconnor:
الصورة: جيتي
إليكم المغنية وكاتبة الأغاني الأيرلندية Sinead بأسلوب شعرها الأصلع المميز. اختارت حلق رأسها في منتصف الثمانينيات ، والتي كانت خطوة ثورية للمرأة في ذلك الوقت.
7.تصفيفة الشعر القصير للغاية:
الصورة: جيتي
تحقق من هذا الشعر القصير ذو الشكل الفائق ، والذي ليس سوى نسخة معدلة قليلاً من تسريحات الشعر ذات الرأس الأصلع. يناسب في الغالب النساء مع تجعيد الشعر الطبيعي الشديد.
8. تصفيفة الشعر شبه الأصلع بقلم فرينشي ديفيس:
الصورة: جيتي
Here is another almost-bald hairstyle sported by the popular American performer Frenchie. She has complemented her nearly shaved head with bold eyes red lips and exclusive earrings.
9. Fully Bald Hairstyle by Veronika Bozeman:
Image: Getty
This multi talented woman has also long been a bald fetish. Bozeman found it totally smart and edgy and so as we. Don’t forget to team it up with the right attire and sophisticated makeup.
10. Completely Bald Hairstyle by Alina Suggeler:
Image: Getty
The German popstar Alina from the well-known band ‘Frida Gold’ is another bald beauty, who should be included in this list. She first went bald three years ago and has been still rocking the same look.
11. Very Short Butch Cut Hairstyle:
Image: Getty
Butch cut is a variation of the buzz cut in which the hair is made extremely short on the top of the head. Even though it is a bald hairstyle, it looks quite beautiful on women who can pull it off.
12. Nearly Shaved Hairstyle by Aisha Hinds:
Image: Getty
13. Ultimate Bald Hairstyle by Dee Dee Bridgewater:
Image: Getty
This Grammy-winning jazz sensation has turned complete baldness into a rage. Just take a look at her cleanly shaved head. Yes, bald is still beautiful!
14. Ultimate Bald Hairstyle by Gail Porter:
Image: Getty
Gail, the famous Scottish beauty, is a beauty even without her hair. She had to suffer from acute alopecia in childhood, which later inspired her to go bald and make it her very own fashion statement.
15. Cropped and Parted Hair by Janet Jackson:
Image: Getty
In this picture, Janet has side-parted her super-cropped curly and highly textured hair in a precise manner. Needless to say, it has given her bald hairstyle a whole new dimension.
16. Butch Cut Hairstyle by Carolyn Malachi:
Image: Getty
This is another butch cut worn by the American singer Carolyn Malachi. Just like her songs, her hairstyle is also ‘smooth, refreshing and stunning’.
17. Almost-Bald Hairstyle by Natalie Portman:
Image: Getty
Baldness doesn’t hurt our femininity at all, and this picture of nearly shaved head of Natalie is enough to prove it. A strong, confident and beautiful look – what else do you need?
18. Super High Topknot with Shaved Sides:
Image: Getty
Separate the shaved sides of your head by creating two side parts and turn the rest of your hair into an incredibly high topknot. If you wish, you can also accessorize it to accentuate the height.
19. Soft Mohawk with Back and Partially Shaved Head:
Image: Getty
The list of bald and beautiful hairstyles remains incomplete without the mention of the American pop sensation Miley Cyrus. Check out the soft platinum blonde Mohawk on her partially shaved head. Unique and gorgeous!
20. Rolled Up Puffy Top with Shaved Sides:
Image: Getty
Here, both sides of the head are almost shaved off, and the hair present at the middle segment of the head is rolled up carefully. The highly volumized top is the actual specialty of this bald hairstyle.
21. One Side Shaved Long Bob Hairstyle:
Image: Getty
This hairstyle features a long bob with a crew cut shave at one side of the head. Create a part between the two sections and carry the entire look off gracefully.
22. Long Wavy Blonde with Partially Shaved Head:
Image: Getty
Here is another bald hairstyle in which the one side of the head is given a neat crew cut. However, the golden blonde hair at the other side is flowing down the shoulder. Chic yet exclusive!
23. Half-Bald Head with Luscious Curls:
Image: Getty
Not everyone can pull off this brave half-bald look. But if you dare to do it, just shave off the half part of your head completely and let the luscious curls cascade your shoulder at the other side.
24. Highlighted and Twisted Hair with Buzz Cut:
Image: Getty
Get buzz cut on both sides of your head and highlight the hair at the middle for a touch of elegance. Now, twist the hair up and make sure that the highlighted strands are visible right at the front of your head.
25. Side-Shaved Bob with Intense Texture:
Image: Getty
This bald bob hairstyle can emphasize your strong character and positive outlook greatly. Create a side part and shave off the hair present in a smaller section. Brush the rest of the hair and add intense texture to it.
26. Layered Volumized Hair with Shaved Side:
Image: Getty
Side shaves can make you look youthful and charming too. Brush the super short hair at one side of your head perfectly and create volume at the top to make the layered curls look amazing. Simple and elegant.
27. Soft Pixie Haircut with Shaved Sides:
Image: Getty
Here is a true diamond pixie cut with both sides almost shaved. In order to balance off the stubborn flair of the crew cut, you must keep the end of your pixie hair soft and delicate.
28. Long Slicked Back Hair with Shaved Sides:
Image: Getty
Go bald on both sides of your hair, while keeping the hair in the middle segment intact. Now, slick it back and add a puff to the crown. It looks simply awesome on long layered hair.
29. Long Messy Hair with One Side Shaved:
Image: Getty
Shave any one side of your head completely and layer up rest of your locks. Let a portion of your hair embrace your face. Finally, give it a messy finish. You are looking just like bold, bald and beautiful Rihanna.
30. Half-Bald Hairstyle with Long Black Curls:
Image: Getty
At first, separate your hair into two sections. Now, cut it off at one side and create outward curls at the other. You can enhance your look even more by opting for bold eyes and nude lips.
31. Partially Bald Hairstyle with Front Fringes and High Bun:
Image: Getty
This bold bald hairstyle sported by American superstar Cassie can make anyone the center of attraction at any event. The twisted high bun and the straight front fringes are making that partially shaved head look differently gorgeous.
32. Shaved Head with Hair on Top:
Image: Getty
Here is Gail Porter once again with a fully shaved head and a small patch of hair on the top. There is no need to style up the hair. Just let it stay as it is, and you are all set to be the real attention-grabber.
33. Almost Shaved Hair with Front Tattoo:
Image: Getty
Add a twist to your bold bald look by sporting a tattoo on your hairline. In this picture, a shape-up cut with very shortly trimmed hair is beautified by a tattoo of a small curl. Innovative – all we can say!
34. Voluminous Mohawk with Almost Shaved Head:
Image: Getty
It is a highly voluminous, reddish brown Mohawk on nearly shaved head with super short ash brown hair. The volume and the contrast have taken this hairstyle to a whole new level.
35. Half Bald with Three Lines Shaved in Head:
Image: Getty
Well, this half bald hairstyle has got a distinctive look for not only those light golden blonde curls, but also those three magical lines. You will look like a rockstar almost immediately. Just give it a shot.
36. Partially Shaved Head with Long Black Hair:
Image: Getty
Jazz up your boring black hair with this partially shaved style. Trim down the hair at one side of your head and leave the hair loose at the other side.
37. Curly Textured Purple Hair on Top with Shaved Sides:
Image: Getty
Shave off both sides of your head. You can also go for a simple buzz cut for this purpose. Now, curl up the hair on the top, roll it up a little and texturize it. The glossy shade of purple has made the look totally mesmerizing.
38. Partially Shaved Bob with Long Side-Swept Bang:
Image: Getty
39. Sleek High Bun on Almost Shaved Head:
Image: Getty
Here is another shape-up cut on an Afro-textured hair. Your entire head should be shaved while keeping the hair at the center top intact. Straighten and smoothen it nicely. Then, twist it up into a high bun. A nice example of bald and beautiful hairstyle!
40. Shaved Head with Flat Curly Front Bun:
Image: Getty
Create a flat front bun by taking all your coily hair together from the top of your head. The rest of your head should be almost shaved or given a buzz cut.
41. Bald Hairstyle with Bandana:
Image: Getty
A bandana can put your bald head out of sight while giving you an extremely modish look. There is a lot of variety of bandanas available in the market. Pick one that suits your taste the most.
42. High Front Bun and Low Back Bun with Shaved Sides:
Image: Getty
When you have almost shaved two sides and long hair at the middle of your head, this would be one of the best balding hairstyles for you to try out. Just divide the hair into two sections and create two buns – a high voluminous one at the front of your head and a small low one at the nape of your neck. Simple!
43. Highlighted Locks with Shaved One Side:
Image: Getty
In this hairstyle, one side of the head is shaved off nicely while the other side features light golden blonde waves with pastel blue and pastel green highlighted streaks. Make sure that you choose right makeup to complement your hairstyle the right way,
44. Textured Wavy Locks with Neatly Shaved One Side:
Image: Getty
Go fully bald on one side of your head and let your textured and wavy locks flow down your shoulders. The jet black shade of the hair has turned the look even bolder.
45. Pink Locks with Blue Highlights and Shaved Side:
Image: Getty
46. Short Bob with Curly Bang and Shaved Side:
Image: Getty
The specialty of this short bob is that it has an almost shaved half while the rest of the head is full of wonderful waves. You can even add a zing to the look by curling up the ends of the side-swept bang in an outward direction.
47. Messy Voluminous Mohawk with Shaved Sides:
Image: Getty
This a modified version of Mohawk in which the hair at the middle of the head is made straight and textured with an added messy finish. Like a typical Mohawk, two sides and the back of the head are also shaved off here.
48. Super Curly Voluminous Hair with Shaved Side:
Image: Getty
A bald hairstyle can add to the beauty of your super curly hair significantly. Go bald on one side of your head and volumize those intense curls in order to add height to the top.
49. Purple Braided Updo on Almost Bald Head:
Image: Getty
In this exclusive hairstyle, two sides are shaved in such a manner that an angular section of hair is created at the back of the head. Create an upside down braid with it, twist up its loose ends and secure it at your crown with bobby pins. Opt for this pretty purple color to make the style more striking.
50. Hair-Wrapped Ponytail with Puff and Shaved Sides:
Image: Getty
Shave both sides of your head cleanly. Now, puff up the hair at the top and turn it into a high curly ponytail. Finally, wrap the base of the pony with a thin section of hair. Stylish and lovely at the same time!
Do you have any bold plan to go bald and look differently beautiful in the near future? If yes, then which one of these bald hairstyles would you like to give a try? Do let us know.